Monday, March 9, 2015

St. George (Martin Luther King Day)

We had big plans for relaxing on this trip!  We brought our playstation down and had rented a game and 2 movies that we had wanted to watch.  To our dismay the DVD players at the St. George house wouldn't work and our playstation was missing a cord that we had at home.  We weren't about to give up.  We went to the DI looking for the cord and then ended up buying one at Walmart.  After hooking it all up it STILL wouldn't work.  UGH!  Then we tried the DVD player on the other TV and that still didn't work.  The sane thing to do would have been to just let it go!  But no, I had invested $6 in Redboxes and I wasn't about to give up!  I ended up calling Darren and he had an old TV monitor that we borrowed and were able to hook everything up to.  So the kids played their game and then we used it to watch our movies.  
On Sunday we showed up at 9 for church only to learn that it was Stake Conference and not until 10.  So we waited around till 10 and then went to their 2 hour Stake Conference.  After naps and lunch we were able to go on a walk since the weather was nice.  

Monday was Martin Luther King Day and also free National Parks day.  So we headed to Zions.  It was a little chilly but we were able to drive around and through the tunnel where we did some honking!  We also walked to Weeping Rock.

The boys LOVE being outdoors and after the walk they played for quite awhile on an old tree that had fallen over.

On the way home we took a different route and stopped at a little dairy place for dinner and some ice cream.  On the way to St. George Lucy had screamed for about 3 hours.  She was still in a rear facing carseat and I think she was mad that she couldn't see the movie the boys were watching.  We turned her around for the ride home and she was MUCH happier.

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