Thursday, February 12, 2015

Cutting Down the Christmas Tree

The day after Thanksgiving we cut down our Christmas tree.  The weather was nice and the roads weren't snow packed which is always a winner.  We all went together this time.  Lucy in the backpack, Graham and Jonah walking, Beck walked/piggy backed/rode in the sled.  It took awhile to find the perfect tree.  We have a taller ceiling in our new house so we were looking for something a little bigger this time.  Jonah cut our tree down and it "timbered" so fast that I missed getting a picture.  We got a little turned around on the way back to the car and if it weren't for Jason's amazing sense of directions we would have ended up not where our car was.  On the way home the tree did a little sideways slide at a stop sign and Jason had to pull over and reattach it.  Other than that all was well!

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